Hortiplan Outaouais

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Smart Pot

Smart Pot

Smart Pot




Better than plastic containers
Allows heat to escape
 Allows root aeration
 Prevents root spiralisation
Allows air to prune root structure

Easy to use, productive, economical! Smart Pots are geotextile gardening pots that make it easy and inexpensive to grow everything, everywhere. These advantages were rewarded in May 2013 with the Prix du Mérite Horticole awarded by the Jardin botanique de Montréal.
Promoted by professionals for 30 years, Smart Pots are now available to everyone. Lightweight, durable and unbreakable, available in a wide range of formats (from a few liters to several hundred). Perfect for small balconies, large roof gardens, asphalt or contaminated land. And everywhere to create instant gardens.

The benefits


The Smart Pots technology lies in the porosity of the material, a thick geotextile that ensures optimal root development and therefore plant growth. In concrete terms, Smart Pots enable excellent root development because :

The fabric allows aeration of the soil and root system, one of the basic principles of gardening.
Aeration avoids the spiralization of roots observed in conventional pots, which is detrimental to good plant growth.
In Smart Pot, when a root reaches the fabric wall, its growth stops and the plant develops new roots. The result is a dense root system, rather than a few large roots spiralling along the walls.
Air circulation avoids the overheating seen in conventional pots on hot days, which is harmful to roots and soil micro-organisms!

Les formats

Smart Pots come in a wide range of sizes, from a few liters up to 1500 liters. The table below will help you find out which sizes are right for your needs. For more details on the number of plants per bag, consult our advice cards.
Description: eggplant with spinach
Description: tomato beans

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